How to make your own business?

Shagufa ale
4 min readApr 14, 2019

Social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. Every post, reply, like, and comment should serve a purpose.

All most every one thing of how to make their own bussines there is lots of way you can make your own business

1 Instagram

Instagram is o]ne of the best way to make money out of it. If you get really into it you will make lots of money by promoting and posting some staf . ok lets start your business.

1 Make a new public acount even if you already have an acount.

2 pick a nich Find something that you like eg; Art,sport,game….

3 Write a very strong bio.

4 post 6 photo the same time tag famous people that doing same thing as you do and you can #pages. always # in the comment becouse if you #bellow you’r post makes you’r post look ugly.

you need 3 things to start this bussines your phone wifi and time. it will be so hard making 10K follower on instagram. Again this is not something really easy. you can’t do it in one week or 1 month.

How much money can you make on instagram?

for instance, an account just branching out into influencer marketing and sponsored posts may start by charging $25-$50 a post and accounts that are already established as influencers with 30–80k followers can charge hundreds of dollars per post. Once influencers reach over 100k followers, they tend to start charging at least $1,000 for just one post such as Sam Ushiro who has 283k followers and charges $1,500 a post. Not to mention, celebrities like Kim Kardashian West with 107 million followers can rake in over $500,000 for a sponsored Instagram post.

2 youtube

Making youtube video is easyer than 10K follower on instagra.

The YouTube myth goes like this: Post some videos, attract viewers and then cash in on revenue generated from ads. It sounds simple and effortless, so that’s the story everyone regurgitates and uses to sell get-rich-quick schemes. However, the reality is that you cannot make a healthy income based on YouTube ad revenue alone.

“Even if advertisers are paying a decent amount to promote their products through video ads, only a portion of their expenditures ever make it into content creators’ pockets,” says entreprenr.Michael Jonson “For example, if advertisers are paying an average of $20 per 1,000 ad impressions, the videos where those ads are being shown may only generate $2 or $3 per 1,000 views.”

In other words, you’re only going to make a couple of thousand dollars for every million views. And, make no mistake about it, getting millions of views is very challenging. The good news is that YouTube ads aren’t the only revenue-generating opportunities for creative individuals willing to work hard and develop actual business plans.

3 publish a book on amazon

This one is my favorite one. if you are already a writer write a book.

Here’s the secret sauce: If you can launch your book and get a few hundred sales in the first week, Amazon will take over and start promoting it for you. This way you can make some real money from it. It’s actually easier than it sounds, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Here are a few tips for writing a book:

  • Validate the book by giving a survey to friends, an email list, and/or survey sites like Pickfu. By validating your idea before you write the book, you’ll improve the odds of people willing to buy your book (and you’re not wasting your time by writing it.)
  • Create an outline and stick to it if possible.
  • Set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour each day to write.
  • Format the book according to Amazon’s standards.

Once the book is written and formatted, you can head over to Log in with your Amazon account, then under “Create a New Title”, select “Kindle eBook.”

Here’s a good strategy for your book’s launch week (to get 100+ sales):

  1. Set the price at 99 cents for the first week.
  2. Run a 99 cent promotion with sites like Buck Books and Robin Reads.
  3. Post a book excerpt on a relevant subreddit and link to your book page at the end.
  4. Post 1–2 guest posts during the launch week that link back to your book page.
  5. Blast your email list multiple times.
  6. By the end of the week, hopefully, your book has eclipsed the top 5,000 or 10,000 overall paid ranking. From there, raise the price to $2.99, and continue raising the price $1 at a time every few days until it stops selling (then, lower it back by a dollar). This will tell you the optimal price for your book.

(Here’s a case study of a book that used this strategy to launch successfully and consistently bring in $3-$4K a month in profit.)

Amazon publish book writen by Roberat Maning

4 Complete online survey for free., Global Test Market, and pay people to share their opinions on products or services, test mobile apps, or participate in market research. While the payday for these sites is modest, participating frequently can help you earn extra money in a short amount of time.

